One goal I have for 2024 is to post (at least) every two weeks about what we're launching.
My resolution starts today. Here are a few cool things we've released ⬇️
You can now see each open conversation within a Slack channel or tool via the side panel.
The idea is that this combines the tool's content with Spoke's context.
More about the problem:
In busy Slack channels, it’s really easy to miss important discussions. You click into the channel, see the most recent message or thread, but there’s another discussion above that. You click out and it’s gone. No more unread indication. You’ve missed something important that you needed to tackle. With Spoke, you can actually see the discussions in a Slack channel that are still open so you ensure that you get to everything you need to. Plus, you see a summary of the conversation before you dive in, so you get a clear overview of what’s happening there.
You can now work across all your tools from within Spoke by pinning them to the nav bar.
This means you won't break flow when switching between tools.
In the future, this will get really smart and tell you which conversations/pages/tickets point to where you are.
More about the problem:
Very often, I’ll open Linear, Figma, or another tool, then 5 minutes later I’ll ask myself “what did I come here to do?” I’ve completely broken flow, forgetting the one thing that I needed to do. Often there’s a Slack conversation in which I wanted to share a link from one of those tools. Spoke keeps you much more focused across those tools by pining them in the navigation, and you can change through these quickly with keyboard shortcuts (Opt+Cmd+1 for Spoke, Opt+Cmd+2 for Slack…)
Spoke recognizes when a conversation requires you to take action.
You can view and check off these actions so you don't miss something important from that 50-message thread
More about the problem:
We’re frequently in long discussions where we’ve decided important things and there are actions to be taken, like scheduling a meeting, creating a ticket, or starting a page in Notion. But the problem is that these actions are often buried deep in the conversation. It’s usually clear during the discussion what has to happen, but then naturally, we start doing something else and that action you needed to take is no longer top of mind. Spoke pulls out all the actions from the conversation so that they’re visible for you. You can check them off or reassign them to the correct person, without worrying that you’ll miss something.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned! More updates coming soon 🥳